Today, many detergents are known for their high cleaning power. However, not knowing how to use detergents leads to many risks for a person.
Awareness of common dangers and diseases when using detergents can reduce exposure and, as a result, reduce damage to the body.
Usually, every year in the last days of the year, there are reports of poisoning with detergents, which are often caused by the wrong use of detergents. According to last year’s reports, around 100 people were admitted to Luqman Hakim Hospital due to detergent poisoning in the days close to the New Year.
Many manufacturers of detergents claim that these materials are completely safe and this claim is not wrong. But research shows that many detergents contain chemicals that can cause damage to the lungs, stomach, eyes, etc.
Some detergents contain hydrobutoxyethanol, which damages red blood cells. Therefore, the use of detergents can cause serious damage to health and skin.
Acidic ingredients in detergents can slowly penetrate the skin and initially cause dry skin and create wounds on the surface of the skin and lead to eczema and dermatitis in the later stages.
The importance of knowing how to use detergents
Gas and vapors from detergents not only damage the respiratory system. Rather, it can leave destructive effects on the eyes and skin of people who are exposed to it.
The incidence of these complications depends on the duration of use and the method of using detergents.
Using detergents in closed places and places that do not have proper ventilation causes symptoms such as asthma. In case of poisoning and lung damage, the symptoms of asthma will remain with the person until the end of life and will not be resolved.
Also, using detergents incorrectly can damage the liver, digestive system, and in some cases even cause death.
Not observing the necessary points and not paying attention to how to use detergents can cause chemical burns. And the depth of the injury depends on the time of being in contact with chemicals and the concentration of the substance.
Using detergents near fire or smoking while working with chemicals can cause a fire.
The consequences of using detergents incorrectly do not end here; Not knowing how to use detergents harms the health of household items. For example, a small mistake when removing a stain from a carpet will cause the stain to penetrate deeper layers.
On the other hand, the wrong use of detergents reduces the lifespan of home electrical appliances and can cause rusting of kitchen appliances and surfaces.
The effect of detergents on hand skin
Detergent compounds are slightly caustic. As a result, frequent use of detergents or disinfectants causes skin irritation. Skin problems are one of the complications of not knowing how to use detergents.
In the last days of the year, diseases and problems caused by direct contact of the skin with detergents increase. One of the most common problems is hand dermatitis or eczema, which is accompanied by skin itching, redness and inflammation, dryness and small blisters.
The symptoms of the disease appear on the palm of the hand, on the tips of the fingers and between the fingers, and sometimes a lesion like an apron is formed, which is called apron eczema.
One of the points of using detergents is to wash your hands after finishing the work, which can also cause damage to the skin of the hands, and high humidity may cause skin fungus.
If the skin lesions are not treated on time, it leads to cracks and inflammation of the skin. Frequent hand contact with detergents causes loss of skin fat, followed by sores and pus.
hand skin protection tips; When using detergents
The best way to prevent the recurrence of lesions and dry skin is to use creams containing Vaseline, Urea and Glycerin.
- In the first step, it is better to use mild detergents without chemical and aromatic dyes.
- In the second step, gloves should be used when working with all kinds of detergents, and to avoid allergy to plastic gloves, cotton gloves should be worn first and then plastic gloves.
- After finishing the work, discard the gloves and wash your hands carefully. After washing your hands, wipe the water off your hands using a paper towel.
- In no case, do not touch the tissue with pressure on the skin surfaces; Because it aggravates the redness and dryness of the hand skin, and finally, moisturize the hands using a suitable cream.
- In case of dryness and redness on the hand surfaces, you can reduce the itching and swelling of the inflamed area to some extent by using a cold water compress.
- The use of protective tools such as masks, gloves and hats prevents damage to the skin in the face and hands.
- Another way to maintain skin health is to take vitamin D. Vitamin D increases the metabolism of skin cells and strengthens the skin’s defense system.
The effect of inhaling polluted gases from some detergents
Humans breathe to bring oxygen into their lungs and expel chemicals such as carbon dioxide from the body. The surface of the internal membrane of the nose and throat of people is covered with mucous and hair. Hair and cilia trap dust particles and pollution before they come into contact with the lungs.
Ammonia and toxic gases produced from detergents have strong alkaline compounds and can damage these cells. Also, chlorine gas, which is the result of the chemical reactions of compounds, causes the production of chloric acid in contact with mucus.
Combining detergents with hot water or using them in closed environments with water vapor can damage the lungs. Therefore, it is better to use detergents that cause less damage. For example, the use of enzyme detergents is much less dangerous compared to bleaching agents.
The poisonous and burning gas of some detergents leads to the aggravation of lung, heart and vascular diseases. Also, inhaling these gases causes irreparable damage to the elderly, children and pregnant women.
Inhalation of a small amount of carbon monoxide causes respiratory disorders and damage to cellular respiration and leads to symptoms such as headache, dizziness, anesthesia and drowsiness.
On the other hand, nitrogen oxide can weaken the body’s immune system and prepare the ground for infectious diseases, especially influenza. Also, this gas irritates the eyes, throat, lungs and nose.
Breathing of pregnant women in environments full of polluted gases causes asthma in the fetus. Placing elderly people in closed places and in contact with gas produced from detergents causes suffocation and even death.
Lung protection tips when using detergents
There are various types of cleaning materials on the market, which are not as safe as you think. Breathing polluted gases produced from detergents can cause a severe drop in oxygen, and if oxygen is not provided quickly, it will lead to the destruction of brain cells and damage to lung tissues. Respiratory poisoning is accompanied by symptoms such as thirst, rapid breathing, vomiting, dizziness and skin discoloration.
To prevent respiratory poisoning, it is better to use special and thick masks when working with chemicals to prevent gases from entering the respiratory system.
Before washing and using the detergent, read the instructions for using the detergent and use it according to the written recommendations and instructions.
Working with detergent in closed places endangers one’s health. Therefore, before working with these materials, open the door and windows and make sure that the environment is properly ventilated.
In case of respiratory poisoning caused by contact with detergents, immediately leave the environment and be in the open air. In such a case, start drinking plenty of water; Because water removes chemicals from the body.
Do not sleep with a person suffering from detergent poisoning; Because putting pressure on the chest makes the patient worse. So, put the victim in a semi-sitting position and lean his head against the wall to keep the airway open.
The effect of alkaline substances is far worse than acidic substances. Therefore, alkaline detergents can cause severe skin ulcers or damage to the cornea.
Allergic dermatitis heals later than irritant dermatitis. Also, allergies can cause damage to other parts of the body. Therefore, after working with detergents, moisturize your hands using a suitable cream.
Use a mild and odorless detergent to reduce the effects of chemicals. Paksho Company, as one of the active companies in the field of detergent production; By using the knowledge of specialists and modern science, Saharab is trying to produce and market products that meet the needs of consumers with the highest quality.